NS MDF                    
MetaData Framework version release notes

0.1.2 2002-01-16 const
   Patch from rvermillion with handling names like name_123 were integrated.
   Patches for MDFFeatureList and InterfaceWriter from briansmith were 
   integerated. Some other fixes to MDFFeatureList. Fixed bug with incorrect
   naming getMetaobject operations on the package.

0.1.1 2001-12-19 const
   Event filtering functionality were added. Enums, reflection were 
   updated to conform with latest JMI draft. Repository and package were
   joined. Some fixes to make CWM to generate and compile were made,
   but validity of CWM code is not yet checked.

0.1.0 2001-09-27 const
   nsmdf is now based on JMI specification. Too lot of changes to document.

0.0.10 2001-05-11 const 
   Removed not needed methods MDFEventLinstener.

0.0.9 2001-05-09 const
   Event API have been put to separate package. Event notification method
   have been united into one and an adapter have been provided. THIS IS
   BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE. MDFElementDispatchingAdapter have been 
   provided to simplify porting.

0.0.8 2001-05-04 const
   JDOM writer now sorts xmi property name in order specified by qualified 
   name this will keep order of propertied in XMI file and will reduce number
   of false deltas in xmi-s when regenerating nsmdf based libraries.

0.0.7 2001-04-26 const
   Bug with tracing composite associations have be been fixed.

0.0.6 2001-04-05 const
   XMIids are saved and unordered associations are now ordered by
   NSMDF generated xmi files are now more usable with CVS. 

0.0.5 2001-03-13 const
   XMIReader now support elements for values. javadoc targets have been added.
   CorbaTcFloat support have been added.

0.0.4 2001-03-01 const, dida
   More error checking have been implemented in order to make mdf more
   conformant to MOF abstract mapping.

0.0.3 2001-02-13 const
   UUID support has been added. Streams created in XMIReader and XMIWriter
   are now closed. Bug with CorbaTcUlong have been fixed. Some undo bugs have
   been fixed.

0.0.2 2001-02-07 const
   JDOM XMI Writer String collection bug fixed. Now every created element
   became repostory root until it will became owned. Event listeners are
   supported for repository. All events could are processed. For this reasone
   recovered event have been renamed to created event. And object creation in
   the repostory could be detected. XMIReader and XMIWriter  will now support
   associations w/o references and association where there are no reference
   from composite end. 

0.0.1 2001-02-02 const
   First version in CVS. 


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